The country with the world's best work-life balance was revealed and NZ actually ranked high as

The country with the world's best work-life balance was revealed and NZ actually ranked high as

Reckon we deserve our spot?!

New Zealand has snagged the top spot for being able to manage mahi and play.

According to Remote, NZ is the place to BE if you wanna ace having a mean work-life balance.

Not sure if all of us Kiwis would agree, but we'll take it! If we're talking balance, the time spent working hard at mahi probably matches the time I spend mucking around on TikTok at home, so yeah... BALANCE!

Thankfully, Remote wasn't checking Kiwis' screen time vs their 9-5s. They actually looked at stuff like minimum wage, sick leave, maternity leave, healthcare, public happiness, and LGBTQ+ inclusivity.

Each country got a score, and NZ came out with a solid 80.76/100.

Here are Remote's ten best countries in the world for work-life balance:

1. New Zealand (80.76)
2. Ireland (77.89)
3. Denmark and Belgium (tied at 73.45)
5. Canada (72.75)
6. Germany (71.84)
7. Finland (71.55)
8. Australia (71.35)
9. Norway (70.85)
10. Spain (70.6)

No huge surprise since NZ also took first place in Remote’s 2023 list! They reckon it’s because of our high minimum wage and “generous” annual leave allowances.

Now, how can we bump that score closer to 100 next year? I’m keen to chat about a 4-day workweek - who’s in?!