Cadbury NZ has just revealed the future of the classic Kiwi chocolate fish is NOT good

Cadbury NZ has just revealed the future of the classic Kiwi chocolate fish is NOT good

They're looking like a rare breed...

Take a deep breath, 'cause Cadbury’s chocolate fish are swimming away for good!

According to the chocolate makers, production of these classic treats stopped last year and has been slowly disappearing from shelves up and down the country. 

Shot for the heads-up… NOT!

“You might catch some rare species in some places, but they will be the last of the breed,” a spokesperson told 1News.

They have said it's not a case of “over fishing”, Kiwis just haven’t been as keen on reeling in the fish at the checkouts. The lack of sales has meant they’ve struggled to stay afloat on the popularity scale.

The spokesperson added: "We cast about for different angles, but with them wallowing, it became harder to secure shelf space alongside other bars and snacking innovations in stores and harder for them to find their place on the production runs."

But don't lose all hope, choco-fish lovers! You can still get a bite of these nostalgic treats in goldfish size. 

The mini chocolate fish are still available in the popular Cadbury Kiwi Favourites boxes - You’re just gonna have to dig 'em out.

And if you’re still craving a bigger fish, other confectionary brands have you sussed. But let’s be real, is it ever gonna compare to the real thing?!

Right! I'm off on a fishing trip to hunt out a few to munch on one last time.